Hi, when in central mode I understand that ZeroBeacon filters out the response data and does not include the peripheral name, is there any plan to release a version of firmware that does include the name? It would be really useful.
Also what is hex format returned for SCAN3, I had assumed it would be same as first 15 bytes of SCAN4, i.e. bytes 9-14 MAC address and 15 RSSI, but was I receive does not seem to be in this format. SCAN4 works great but I don’t want the advertising data.
ZeroBeacon firmware just do passive scan not active scan. So you can’t get scan response data (contains device name). I think we can add a new AT command for switch passive/active scan. For example
AT+ACT=1 => active scan, AT+ACT=0 => passive scan.
The only requirement that I have is to get the MAC and peripheral name, I am not actually interested in the advertising data for my project (I don’t think this is returned by an active scan).
It makes no difference to me how the data is returned, i.e. ASCII or HEX would be fine for me.
For me a single scan ‘cycle’ would be most convenient, i.e. not to keep scanning, but again I can cope with either behaviour.
I have upgraded firmware and switched to active mode, but I get exactly the same responses as I was getting in passive mode for every scan type.
Is there a simple example using AT commands?
(For info I have definitely upgraded successfully and AT+ACT1 returns OK:Set=1)
I was expecting to receive different/more data when in active mode.
Edit: I have just noticed that one of the responses I am receiving has now changed and I can see my daughters camera name embedded, however my actual beacons are returning the same response as before, I was expecting response type 4 but I am mostly getting 0.