Hi. I have connected a zeroBeacon to the Pc and it found a LilyPad Arduino. Is there the possibilty to program it like an Arduino with a BLE module? Is there any existing example .ino program to download?
Please refer the Tutorial. You can test the hardwareSerialMonitor
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Hi, where is the similar application for Android ? I need an example code or APP for Android because i transfer a value from Smartphone to ZeroBeacon and reverse
Tanks for quest but today, after download APP “Bluo”, I have install this code into the ZeroBeacon :
- Smartphone receive data from ZeroBeacon (OK)
- ZeroBeacon (bluetooth) not receive any data from SmartPhone ??
- Whyle in the schema at this link i see TX (PIN 1) and RX PIN(0) while i see on board TX (PIN 0) and RX(PIN 1) (???)
- **Where is APP “Bluo” source code for Android ?? **
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
*// 0,1 (receveid on SMARTPHONE OK !!!) *
SoftwareSerial mySerial(0, 1);
*void setup() *
- Serial.begin(57600); *
- // set the data rate for the NewSoftSerial port*
- mySerial.begin(4800); // BLE*
- mySerial.println(“Hello Word”);*
*void loop() *
- if (mySerial.available()) {*
- }*
- if (Serial.available()) {*
- }*
Please use hardwareSerial instead softwareSerial. Here’s a sketch.
We have no the source code for bluo.
Tank’s i solve