Unreadable format from BLE GW V4

Hi AB, I have my V4 BLE GW connected to uBeac Hook and can see information being passed. The issue that I have is that the infomation appears as follows:

��&�hf����L�mF�$�Fc�R0�k����&;jec��L�mF�$�Fc�R0�k��\��&��T�����L�mF�$�Fc�R0�k����&|���L�mF�$�Fc�R0�k��?��&;jec��L�mF�$�Fc�R0�k��\��&;jec��L�mF�$�Fc�R0�k��\��&�]�!W��Lu�. ��O�g��F������&;jec��L�mF�$�Fc�R0�k��\��&|�@��L�mF�$�Fc�R0�k�� ��&�hf����L�mF�$�Fc�R0�k����&�]�!W��Lu�. ��O�g��F������&��T�����L�mF�$�Fc�R0�k����&|���L�mF�$�Fc�R0�k��?��&;jec��L�mF�$�Fc�R0�k��\��&�]�!W��Lu�.

Can you please tell me what I need to change to have readable data sent? I have also used DiotY as a MQtt broker and receive the same format. Information above should be in raw format.


Gateway V4 post data in MessagePack format. Please check our wiki.

You can also find out some parsing examples write in other languages here

Is what I have published above the correct format that I should be seeing in uBeac? According to all the examples I’ve seen, it isn’t and I should be seeing HEX values.

Which programming language do you use? You should just decode the message with msgpack library.