The server cannot receive gateway data

I tried in 2 ways. The first is http client type, the second is Mqtt client type
(I use AB BLE Gateway V4 + April Beacon N02 and os = windows)

  1. HTTP client type
    1-1 Config AB Gateway
    => Application Type = HTTP Client
    => HOST = (my local pc ip)
    => port = 1883
    => URI = /hellow

1-2 make server & test
I created an http server, created it with, and connects from the web. But no data comes.

  1. Mqtt Client (using BLE Viewer)
    2-1 Config AB Gateway
    => Application Type = MQTT Client
    => HOST = (my local pc ip)
    => port = 1883
    => public topic = MQTT Topic

2-2 The viewer started with the same settings, but no data comes.

http communication may be a problem with our server,
but it seems that something is wrong with no data even in BLE viwer.
I tried to follow How To Test (
Please guide me.

Please try the steps How to test first. Use our test MQTT server for testing

Of course, I tested the same as the example.
BLE Viewer & Config Tool For AB Gateway
PORT : 1883
save and viewer test start
but no data (empty screen)

plz. Ask me for a guide.

Can you tell the viewer why the data is invisible ??

config tool setting

Viewer setting

viewer result

You should type a topic in for “Publish Topic”. e.g. gw/msp360

The topic field is empty in your screenshot. “MQTT Topic” is just a placeholder

I have already tested it by putting a topic.
No response to viewer.
The beacon information is visible in the mobile phone application.
Is there a problem with gateway ??


viewer setting

viewer result

I have some questions

  • Do you use the power cable we shipped?
  • What’s about the power adapter? Is it 5V/2A?
  • Firmware version?
  • WiFi or wire connection?
  • Please take a screenshot about config tool for pages Dashboard and Network
  • Please access the webpage http://THE-IP-OF-GATEWAY/ with your browser, send the content to me

BTW, are there any BLE devices nearby the gateway?

Two more questions

  • Is internet connection ok for your network?
  • Do you use static IP and Ethernet connection combo?
  • Do you use the power cable we shipped?

  • What’s about the power adapter? Is it 5V/2A?
    BTW, are there any BLE devices nearby the gateway?
    => Yes I user 5V/2A and use your power cable

  • Firmware version?

  • WiFi or wire connection?
    => wire connection

  • Please take a screenshot about config tool for pages Dashboard and Network

  • Please access the webpage http://THE-IP-OF-GATEWAY/ with your browser, send the content to me

  • Is internet connection ok for your network?
    internet is ok and The Gateway and ping test also succeed.

  • Do you use static IP and Ethernet connection combo?
    => Yes I user Static Ip and Ethernet connection combo
    => I use 1 OA static ip network and 1 static ip in Internal network (gateway is internal network)

There’s a known bug for v1.2.5.15. The DNS can’t work if DHCP is disabled.

Please update firmware first. How to do:

  • Enable DHCP first. Let the gateway get DHCP ip and public internet connection
  • Open config tool and connect to the gateway
  • Click Advanced -> Update.

Wait minutes for update.

Let me know if this works for you

I try to upgrade but firmware version don’t change

plz check my work

  1. DHCP disable

  2. F/W upgrade


  3. check version
    Dashboard check => v1.2.5.15
    Even after gateway reset, the version is still the same.

In addition, data is not visible to the viewer even when tested with DHCP disable.

Help me how to do it

Is internet connection available for your network? Please try update with WiFi connection with these steps

  1. Change your phone as a WiFi AP.
  2. Change WiFi settings for gateway to match your phone’s AP
  3. Disconnect the ethernet cable and restart gateway
  4. Let your laptop connect the phone’s AP also
  5. Try the update steps again

Let me know if this works

I upgrade with WiFi connection.

now, F/W is

And then,

I tried dhcp and static ip, but neither data comes out viewer.

I want to do it with ethernet. (with static ip)

Please try to upgrade again. You can final update to v1.2.5.22