I tried in 2 ways. The first is http client type, the second is Mqtt client type
(I use AB BLE Gateway V4 + April Beacon N02 and os = windows)
HTTP client type
1-1 Config AB Gateway
=> Application Type = HTTP Client
=> HOST = (my local pc ip)
=> port = 1883
=> URI = /hellow
1-2 make server & test
I created an http server, created it with, and connects from the web. But no data comes.
Mqtt Client (using BLE Viewer)
2-1 Config AB Gateway
=> Application Type = MQTT Client
=> HOST = (my local pc ip)
=> port = 1883
=> public topic = MQTT Topic
2-2 The viewer started with the same settings, but no data comes.
Of course, I tested the same as the example.
BLE Viewer & Config Tool For AB Gateway
HOST : mqtt.bconimg.com
PORT : 1883
save and viewer test start
but no data (empty screen)
I have already tested it by putting a topic.
No response to viewer.
The beacon information is visible in the mobile phone application.
Is there a problem with gateway ??
Is internet connection ok for your network?
internet is ok and The Gateway and ping test also succeed.
Do you use static IP and Ethernet connection combo?
=> Yes I user Static Ip and Ethernet connection combo
=> I use 1 OA static ip network and 1 static ip in Internal network (gateway is internal network)