How to pair 2 bleepeds together

BTW: The TTL voltage for the HJ580 module is 3.3V. You shouldn’t wire mega to HJ580 directly. add a resistor (330 ohm) between mega TX and HJ580 RX.


i connect them in such a way
3.3V to Vcc on hj580
ground to gnd on hj580
ground to p14 on hj580 (to become slave)
ground to p00 on hj580 (to enter config mode)
tx to rx on hj580(with a 330ohm resistor)
rx to tx on hj580 (without resistor)
3.3v to p06 on hj580(to wake up)

The module should be peripheral only module.

I think it’s the issue. GND to P06 for wake up instead.

sorry, i am connecting it to ground.
if it is peripheral only, meaning that it cannot be configured? then how can i pair it up with blepad so that it can receive data from blepad(central)

You can still configure other params. But you should check the manual for how to input AT command. Can you read the manual in Chinese?

I tried to configure it and uploaded the sketch with Atcommand, this is my output

I will get one HJ580 similar with yours tomorrow. I will try it when I got it.

I think the baud rate is 19200 for your original module. Please try it.

i changed the baudrate to 19200, it doesnt work. i tried other values as well

the hj580 keeps on receiving weird character even though there it doesnt pair with anything

did you also edit the sketch to baud rate 19200? could you please paste the sketch you edited?

this is my edited sketch

I got a HJ580 module today. But the firmware is customize for us and the baud rate is 9600. It works fine with the sketch ATCommand.

But I don’t know how to test your HJ580 module.

you just uploaded it and it works?

is there any way to change firmware? are you connecting the p00 to digital pin 5, p14 to digital 11, and p03 to digital pin 4, p06 to digital pin 8?

No. DA14580 is designed for OTP (one-time-programming). You can’t change the firmware for it.

are you connecting the p00 to digital pin 5, p14 to digital 11, and p03 to digital pin 4, p06 to digital pin 8?

it’s same with BLEPad

can you send me the link you purchase your hj580?