I am testing NRF52810 ABSensor N01 to get Acceleration X, Y, Z. Those data can be read by scanning broadcasting by using your app asensor-android-demo with minor code changes. Here is results in hex “020106030359FE171659FEAB01038420201489E9620000FDFDC300056400000D0961626561636F6E5F323038340000000000000000000000000000000000”
According to user document Acceleration X, Y, Z values are read from byte [23], [24], [25]. When beacon is put on a table and faceup. Those X, Y, Z values are 254, 253, 197. The values are changing while beacon is turning or moving. Here is three questions:
- How to interpret those value? Should a unsigned or signed value be used?
- Why are there values (not equal to zero) even no Acceleration or no movement?
- What is units for those values?
Thanks in advance.