I received a raw sensor beacon message via gateway v4 v1.2.5.22 below:
04 dd cd 99 db 44 48 d7 09 09 52 44 4c 35 32 38 33 32 13 16 18 03 0f 02 37 30 01 00 01 02 00 00 01 00 01 00 09 02 00
Can I ask how to decode the accelerometer data?
01 00 01 02 00 00 01 00 01 00 09 02 00
what model of sensor beacon did you buy? It should be N01 sensor.
I do not know what model this is, a friend of mine just passed the beacon and document to me.
It has temp/humidity sensor and an accelerometer.
I can decode the temp/humidity without any problem. However, the accelerometer is not easy and has no example.
So, I am wondering how to decode this.
you can split the data as 4 parts.
- x Acceleration data -
01 00 01 02
- y Acceleration data -
00 00 01 00
- z Acceleration data -
01 00 09 02
- ?? -
For x Acceleration data, 01 means negative number. the value is -0.12