Connect Beacon to AB BLE Gatewat V4


I have now the gateway configured. But how do I connect the beacon to the gateway?

I am trying it with Ruuvi tags. It shows advertising data on the ruuvi app, nRF Connect app.

I was hoping that the gateway would detect the beacons automatically and start sending data to the configured endpoints! Am i missing something here ?

We don’t have the possibility to check the ble data viewer as we are doing this on a mac. The gateway configuration is happening through an app on android phone. Are you planning on supporting mac ?


Could you please take a screenshot about the application page in config tool? I will check it for you.

The tool is written in nodejs plus electron. It’s possible to run it with nodejs. I can send the source code of the tool to you

I got the gateway to start sending the data to the configured web server.

Hi aprilpea,
Please find attached a screenshot as requested.
I can inform that I have been trying to update the firmware from v1.2.5.6 which on the gateway now to v1.2.5.13 after advice from Yan.
I have tried to do the update via a link send by Yan, did not succeed, and after placing the image on my desktop with the same result.
The update has further been tried to be done from a Window 10 and Linux Mint PC.
Please advice.

Hi Thomas,

Please create a new topic on this matter, as we try to keep each subject in separate topics here on support forum.

Is MQTT broker 192.1681.108 connectable? It will block the OTA progress if it’s not available