Can't find sensor data from my ibeacon to BLE VIEWER

Am using ibeacon which has temperature , humidity and accelerometer sensor. when i use "nRF connect " app i can see two scenario .
1st scenario : in the service data i can see the Mac , major , minor ,power , broadcast interval , battery .

2nd scenario : in the service data i can see the sensor data ( ibeacon word flashes beside the name )

but when i try to see these data using “BLE Viewer BLE data viewer for AB BLE Gateway V4” . i only get mac , parse address , uuid , major , minor , rssi . but i need the sensor data .

thank you .

1st scenario : in the service data i can see the Mac , major , minor ,power , broadcast interval , battery .

2nd scenario : in the service data i can see the sensor data ( ibeacon word flashes beside the name )

but when i try to see these data using “BLE Viewer BLE data viewer for AB BLE Gateway V4” . i only get mac , parse address , uuid , major , minor , rssi . but i need the sensor data .

thank you .

Please change the Advertising Filter from iBeacon Only to Allow all advertising data. Because the sensor data from the BLE device is not iBeacon protocol

Changed to allow all advertising data , now am getting from other Bluetooth devices also . any idea how can i filter this and get my designated ibeacon advertising data only ?

any idea what will be in the Manufacturer ID Filter for my beacon ? or how to check this data ? already read this April Brother Wiki . but still could not find for my case .

How many beacons do you monitor in same time? Please try the mac address filter

mac address filter

You can fill mac C42BC1580D27 for your beacon. 00 is wildcard bit for the filter.


C42B00000000 will match all mac addresses which start with C42B

if i want to monitor 10 beacons in same time then how can I do it ?

You can input multiple mac addresses. One line for one beacon. e.g.


thank you for all the help . just one last question .
What to do if I have 100 beacons , as its quite hard to set mac address for 100 beacons . Is there any alternative to it ? Like can I set Manufacturer ID to filter the beacons ? As all beacons which I am using are from same company .

Yes. You can use Manufacturer ID filter if you choose “Allow all advertising data”. see the screenshot.

mfg id filter