Cactus R2, unable to communicate with the ESP8266

Hi there,

I recently bought a cactus r2, fast shipping really nice. I made some test and all was fine until I changed the esp baud rate.

I wanted to use espduino, when trying to run the esptool, I always had a “Failed to connect”. esptool use a baud rate of 115200, the esp8266Programmer use a baud rate of 115000.
I managed to run the searchBaudRate sketch, it told me that the baud rate of the esp was 9600. So I tryed to the hardwareSerialMonitor at 9600 and it was working. Even so, I didn’t get the esp to connect to my wifi with AT command.

Back to the esptool, I tryed to set the baudrate of the esp to 115200 with “AT+CIOBAUD=115200”, it replies OK. And then I was unable to communicate at 115200, so I tryed again the searchBaudRate and now it said “not found”.

Bricked or not?


Please refer How to made Cactus Micro R2 as ESP8266 programmer.

You should download the modified version esptool, we changed the flash block to smaller size.

Don’t mind the baud rate of esp. The esptool will choose 115200 baud rate automatic.