Hello, I want to update firmware for my blueduino.
As shown on the wiki, I connected the Blueduino to the usb to serial converter with RX, TX, and GND and proceeded with the serial communication by using Termite 3.4. But I can’t receive OK message when I send AT . (I send message by using Termite.)
On the other hand, When I connect to BLE by using Bluo, OK + CONN appears. (See image below)
I’ve run all 8 devices I own, but it’s not all up. (I do not know if I made the wrong setting.)
Here is my termite setting. (COM9 port is serial converter tool)
The program I uploaded to Blueduino is the hardware serial monitor, BLE chat in the library. I also tried it in a blank situation.
And I tried the firmware process using the serial boot tool, but I can not proceed with the handshaking error.