BLE Viewer is empty


  1. How to get all advertising data from BLE Gateway v4 in BLE Viewer?
  2. Does it allow me to enable Manufacturer ID filter?


We connect it to LAN via Ethernet cable and follow the test steps to set application configuration as below. However, it is empty in the BLE Viewer and we do not know how to set it up.

Dashboard for Gateway:

  1. The server for is in China. Can you access it ok? You can download a free software MQTT.fx to verify this. BLE viewer will works if your network is ok. I can see many messages from the topic your-topic. It should be used by other man also
  2. The firmware v1.2.5.22 doesn’t supports Manufacturer ID filter
  1. I can see the data from other mac address. Then how to debug why we cannot get our gateway data in the BLE viewer?
  2. What is latest firmware version?
  1. Please change the topic from your-topic to other string, such as simple-topic. Open ble viewer to check again
  2. see the link for change log
  1. I change the topic to test77897 but BLE viwer still doesn’t have any data. How to check whether the gateway sent data to server or not?

  2. I click Advanced - Firmware Update and also try More - Batch Update, but the version number remains

  1. The data is coming, but not in a fix time interval. Does it because we are using your testing server?

  2. How can I upgrade the firmware version to the lastest v1.4.11?

  1. I think your network should be slow to You can try to install your local MQTT broker and test again. mosquitto is a good choice for MQTT broker. Search google for “how to install mosquitto and run MQTT service”
  2. try download the file. You should got a file ota.bin if your network is ok to our OTA server

Thanks a lot!

How to programming ota.bin into the gateway?

Did you download the file successful? You can only update firmware.

Please try to test your network connection first. I will discuss OTA question if I have more time.

Yes, download the file successfully.