I have used April Beacon and AB BLE Gateway v4 for indoor positioning functionality in my client’s project. However, my client is now requesting the ability to obtain the battery level of each April Beacon Tag.
May I ask if this can be achieved through BLE broadcast packets? Below is the packet data displayed by my custom program:
Received message: v 1.5.20i mid time _ ip mac C049EFA5E504 devices & B $ L I Qp $ & R $ L O dx% & R $ L O dx% & B $ L I Qp $ & R $ L O dx% & B $ L I Qp $ & R $ L O dx%
Received message: v 1.5.20i mid time a ip mac C049EFA5E504 devices & B $ L I Qp $ & R $ L O dx% & R $ L O dx% & B $ L I Qp $ & R $ L O dx%
Received message: v 1.5.20i mid time c ip mac C049EFA5E504 devices & B $ L I Qp $ & R $ L O dx% & R $ L O dx% & B $ L I Qp $ & R $ L O dx% & B $ L I Qp $
Does this packet contain battery level information?
Looking forward to your reply.
Thanks for you help.
Hi 您好,
剛剛才發現您是一家中國的廠商. 請容我再用中文發問一次(與上面的問題相同). 謝謝.
我打算使用 BLE Tag 和 AB BLE Gateway v4 來實現室內定位功能。 但是,客戶還要求要能得知每個BLE Tag內的電池電量。
請問可以透過BLE廣播包來實現嗎?下面是我PC端MQTT Server收到來自Gateway v4的資料內容:
Received message: v 1.5.20i mid time _ ip mac C049EFA5E504 devices & B $ L I Qp $ & R $ L O dx% & R $ L O dx% & B $ L I Qp $ & R $ L O dx% & B $ L I Qp $ & R $ L O dx%
Received message: v 1.5.20i mid time a ip mac C049EFA5E504 devices & B $ L I Qp $ & R $ L O dx% & R $ L O dx% & B $ L I Qp $ & R $ L O dx%
Received message: v 1.5.20i mid time c ip mac C049EFA5E504 devices & B $ L I Qp $ & R $ L O dx% & R $ L O dx% & B $ L I Qp $ & R $ L O dx% & B $ L I Qp $
請問, 這個資料包中是否包含電池電量資訊?
煩請答覆, 感謝.
Our beacon advertises battery level with Eddystone TLM protocol per 30~ seconds. Did you set the “advertising filter” to “iBeacon and Eddystone TLM”?
The default packet format is MessagePack. You should decode the packet first. See the link for more details.
Thanks for your information.
Regarding the advertising filter, we are currently applying “iBeacon only.” We will try “iBeacon and Eddystone TLM,” as you suggested. Thanks for your help.