BLE Gateway v4 Adv Data not changing, how to get temperature?

I have tried everything, went through Eddystone protocol… Can’t find the changing Temperature…

Here is json example I get :

    "v": 1,
    "mid": 159,
    "time": 194,
    "ip": "",
    "mac": "246F28276B84",
    "devices": [

How do I get these values to change? to get Temperature?

Would appreciate any assistance, thank you!

Did you use eddystone-UID protocol? it doesn’t contain temperature value. You should check eddystone TLM protocol instead.

Which model of beacon do you use?

Hi, thank you for the swift reply!

I have tried the protocol yes.
But I don’t see the advertising data changing at all… The only hex value changing is the RSSI of that one MAC device.

So I am unsure on how I would get the temperature of a bracelet using Eddystone if the HEX is not changing.

The model I think is a v100s ? I am also unsure as I did not purchase this and was asked to work on it. But I am stuck and cannot continue with the temperature being static.

How would I go about getting the advertising data to change according to the bracelets data?

If at all possible, I could send an image of the bracelet instead.

You can only get temperature value from eddystone-TLM protocol. Does the beacon support eddystone-TLM protocol? please check with your vendor.

Yes I know, and I receive the temperature I think.

But I would just like to know why the returned data is always the same.

Even if it runs for hours and hours.


I get this for 1 braclet… but it is always the same.
Never changes and I don’t know why.

You can use Android app “nRF Connect” to check the advertising data also. Compare the data

Thank you!

How would I get said UUID from given json that I receive from gateway?

Thank you again

Which UUID did you talk about?

I get this, can we get this kind of data?

Don’t connect the braclet. You should check the advertising data only

This data here?

Can you find advertising data like this one?

It’s in the raw data string but that string is much longer than what I get from the gateway, would it possible that the temperature and heartrate is not being sent to the gateway?


Red is what gateway sends, but yellow is what I don’t have.

The length for advertising data is 31 bytes. But the length for your screenshot is 40+ bytes. I think it should plus some other data like scan response data.

Which bit is the value of temperature data?

It should be


But I am unsure as it does not change.

Hence why I would like to know if the data should change? Or if I am just missing something.

According to Eddystone TLM though, it says byte 4 - 5 is temp …


No. It’s not correct. You should check the prefix for eddystone TLM first. The TLM data is append to the prefix.