AB BLE Gateway V4, Msgpack alternative

Working but sadly my broker still don’t read json.
Any possibility to include nodejs library in future release?

Best regards

Sorry for reply delay?

Did you update firmware to newer version?


Nothing to be sorry about. Im not in any rush :slight_smile:
I did manage to update software, and can now choose between MessagePack and JSON.
Running now software
But my broker unfortunatley does not read either one.
I`m trying to implement this BLE reciever in Homey smart home automation hub.
On this i have one broker/client i have found that can run on the automation hub, and this only reads nodejs.
Is there any way nodejs can be added as request format in future software releases?

Best regards

Did you mean you can only request with nodejs client to the BLE gateway?

Hi, I use the following mqtt broker on my automation hub to communicate. And as far as i can see it only supports mosca nodejs library.

please see attached link for more information.

Please check the source code of our BLE viewer. It uses nodejs with mqtt library.

Hello, I managed to get the gateway to firmware 1.4.9, but can’t find a config tool that can choose to switch from msgpack to plain json. Can you help?

Never mind, found the current release version for config tool from github