iBeacon Receiver - MQTT - another server?

Hello, I have just received iBeacon Receiver and I am going to use it in a location without Internet connectivity and with local MQTT broker.

How can I change the default MQTT server to another one - my local MQTT broker? I cannot find a way how to do it using web interface of the device…


Please try with these steps:

  1. Change the Wi-Fi config.
  2. Check the IP for the device. Let’s say
  3. Open your browser and access

Now you can configure the parameters for MQTT.

Many thanks you for your answer! I was able to point the receiver to my local mosquitto broker using the mentioned web page.

The only problem is that I do not see any connection attempt from the receiver side to my MQTT server in mosquitto server log and I am not receiving any events. Is there an MQTT connection status page or something similar to debug this?

Thank you,

Did you see the led blink fast?

I can see steady red LED on the right of the USB connector and steady red, orange and green LED on the left. What is meaning of the LEDs?

My problem is probably resolved by using another iBeacon. Yesterday I used LightBlue Bean in the iBeacon mode and it was not detected by iBeacon receiver.

Today I used Zebra MPact iBeacon and everything works as expected.

Thank you for your support!
