Has anyone got the Blueduino example sketches to compile?

Hello, and thank you for reading this. Can anyone provide some guidance for me?

I am having trouble getting any of the example sketches from the Blueduino github to compile. I am using Arduino ver. 1.6.5 with the blueduino libraries installed. It seems every example sketch her failed to compile due to the variable “Serial1” not being defined. An example is the ABControl sketch, shown below:

Error messages are:

ABControl.ino: In function ‘void setup()’:
ABControl:40: error: ‘Serial1’ was not declared in this scope
ABControl.ino: In function ‘byte reportDigitalInput()’:
ABControl:77: error: ‘Serial1’ was not declared in this scope
ABControl.ino: In function ‘void reportPinCapability(byte)’:
ABControl:109: error: ‘Serial1’ was not declared in this scope
ABControl.ino: In function ‘void reportPinDigitalData(byte)’:
ABControl:116: error: ‘Serial1’ was not declared in this scope
ABControl.ino: In function ‘void reportPinPWMData(byte)’:
ABControl:124: error: ‘Serial1’ was not declared in this scope
ABControl.ino: In function ‘byte reportPinAnalogData()’:
ABControl:151: error: ‘Serial1’ was not declared in this scope
ABControl.ino: In function ‘void loop()’:
ABControl:163: error: ‘Serial1’ was not declared in this scope
‘Serial1’ was not declared in this scope

 * Please download app BlueDuino from Apple App Store to play the sketch.

#define TOTAL_PINS 22

#define PIN_CAPABILITY_NONE      0x00
#define PIN_CAPABILITY_PWM       0x04
#define PIN_CAPABILITY_SERVO     0x08
#define PIN_CAPABILITY_I2C       0x10

#define PIN_MODE_INPUT            0x00
#define PIN_MODE_OUTPUT           0x01
#define PIN_MODE_ANALOG           0x02
#define PIN_MODE_PWM              0x03

#define PIN_STATE_HIGH            0x01
#define PIN_STATE_LOW            0x00

#define WAIT_SECONDS          3

#define IS_PIN_DIGITAL(p)       (((p) >= 0 && (p) <= 10) || ((p) >= 14 && (p) < TOTAL_PINS && (p) != 17 ))
#define IS_PIN_ANALOG(p)        ((p) == 4 || (p) == 6 || ((p) >= 8 && (p) <= 10) || ((p) >= 18 && (p) < TOTAL_PINS))
#define IS_PIN_PWM(p)           ((p) == 3 || (p) == 5 || (p) == 6 || (p) == 9 || (p) == 10 )
#define IS_PIN_SERVO(p)         (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(p) && (p) - 2 < MAX_SERVOS)
#define IS_PIN_I2C(p)           ((p) == 2 || (p) == 3)
#define PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p)       (p)
#define PIN_TO_ANALOG(p)        ((p) >= 18 ? (p) - 18:((p) >= 8 ? (p):((p) == 6 ? 7 :6)))
#define PIN_TO_PWM(p)           PIN_TO_DIGITAL(p)

byte pin_mode[TOTAL_PINS];
byte pin_state[TOTAL_PINS];
byte pin_pwm[TOTAL_PINS];
byte pin_servo[TOTAL_PINS];

void setup()
   for (int pin = 0; pin < TOTAL_PINS; pin++)
        // Set pin to input with internal pull up
        if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
          pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
          digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);
        // Save pin mode and state
        pin_mode[pin] = PIN_MODE_OUTPUT;
        pin_state[pin] = HIGH;

byte reportDigitalInput()
    static byte pin = 0;
    byte report = 0;
    if (!IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin))
        if (pin >= TOTAL_PINS)
            pin = 0;
        return 0;
    if (pin_mode[pin] == PIN_MODE_INPUT)
        byte current_state = digitalRead(pin);
        if (pin_state[pin] != current_state)
            pin_state[pin] = current_state;
            byte buf[] = {'G', pin, pin_mode[pin], current_state};
            Serial1.write(buf, 4);
            report = 1;
    if (pin >= TOTAL_PINS)
        pin = 0;
    return report;

void reportPinCapability(byte pin)
    byte buf[] = {'P', pin, 0x00};
    byte pin_cap = 0;
    if (IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin))
        pin_cap |= PIN_CAPABILITY_DIGITAL;
    if (IS_PIN_ANALOG(pin))
        pin_cap |= PIN_CAPABILITY_ANALOG;
    if (IS_PIN_PWM(pin))
        pin_cap |= PIN_CAPABILITY_PWM;
//    if (IS_PIN_SERVO(pin))
//        pin_cap |= PIN_CAPABILITY_SERVO;
    buf[2] = pin_cap;
    Serial1.write(buf, 3);
void reportPinDigitalData(byte pin)
    byte state = digitalRead(pin);
    byte mode = pin_mode[pin];
    byte buf[] = {'G', pin, mode, state};
    Serial1.write(buf, 4);

void reportPinPWMData(byte pin)
    byte value = pin_pwm[pin];
    byte mode = pin_mode[pin];
    byte buf[] = {'G', pin, mode, value};
    Serial1.write(buf, 4);

byte reportPinAnalogData()
    static byte pin = 0;
    byte report = 0;
    if (!IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin))
        if (pin >= TOTAL_PINS)
            pin = 0;
        return 0;
    if (pin_mode[pin] == PIN_MODE_ANALOG)
        uint16_t value = analogRead(PIN_TO_ANALOG(pin));
        byte value_lo = value;
        byte value_hi = value>>8;
        byte mode = pin_mode[pin];
        mode = (value_hi << 4) | mode;
        byte buf[] = {'G', pin, mode, value_lo};
        Serial1.write(buf, 4);
    if (pin >= TOTAL_PINS)
        pin = 0;
    return report;

void loop()
  while(Serial1.available() > 0)
    byte cmd;
    cmd = Serial1.read();
    switch (cmd)
      case 'C':
        byte buf[2];
        buf[0] = 'C';
        buf[1] = TOTAL_PINS;
        Serial1.write(buf, 2);
      case 'A':
         for (int pin = 0; pin < TOTAL_PINS; pin++)
                    if (!IS_PIN_DIGITAL(pin)) {
                    if ( (pin_mode[pin] == PIN_MODE_INPUT) || (pin_mode[pin] == PIN_MODE_OUTPUT) )
                    else if (pin_mode[pin] == PIN_MODE_PWM)
                    else if (pin_mode[pin] == PIN_MODE_ANALOG)
      case 'T':
        int pin = Serial1.read();
        int state = Serial1.read();
        if (state == PIN_STATE_HIGH) {
          digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);
          pin_state[pin] = HIGH;
        } else {
          digitalWrite(pin, LOW);
          pin_state[pin] = LOW;
      case 'N':
        byte pin = Serial1.read();
        byte value = Serial1.read();
        analogWrite(pin, value);
        pin_pwm[pin] = value;
      case 'S':
        byte pin = Serial1.read();
        byte mode = Serial1.read();
        if (mode != pin_mode[pin])
          pin_mode[pin] = mode;
          if (mode == PIN_MODE_OUTPUT)
            pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
            digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);
            pin_state[pin] = HIGH;
          else if (mode == PIN_MODE_INPUT)
             pinMode(pin, INPUT);
          else if (mode == PIN_MODE_ANALOG && IS_PIN_ANALOG(pin))
            pinMode(pin, INPUT);
          else if (mode == PIN_MODE_PWM && IS_PIN_PWM(pin))
            pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
            analogWrite(pin, 0);
            pin_pwm[pin] = 0;
  byte input_data_pending = reportDigitalInput();
  if (input_data_pending) 

Please choose the right board type - LilyPad Arduino USB.

We recommend use arduino version 1.0.6

I used lilypad USB for board type and also tried ver. 1.0.6 arduino software. The problem is that none of the example sketches compile. They are all crashing due to the variable Serial1 not being defined. The library is installed but the sketches will not compile. I was able to compile another sketch from adafruit with neopixels and download it to the board just fine.

Can you upload an empty sketch to the board?

For example:

void setup() {}

void loop() {}

I was able to get a Lilypad USB sketch to compile, download and run on the blueduino. It drives WS2812 LED strip from an audio input. Just can’t get any of the factory example sketches to compile.
Again, the variable “Serial1” is not defined.

Thank you.

Could you please take a screenshot for Arduino IDE?

Thank you.