Questions to Blueduino

Hi, I played around a bit with the Module. So I hve some questions:

  1. Response SCAN3 und 4 not working. I do not get the HEX Strings back as shown in the Wiki. It looks like this for instance:

    .Jabra PULSE

    .Jabra PULSE

  2. How query remote device (Name, etc)? What if I want to display device names of scanned devices? Can I query Device Names and infos like in other bluetooth le applications, e.g. characteristics and services and proximity UUIDs?

  3. With BAUD=4 there is no serial connection working between two blueduinos over service FFF0 (e.g. write/receive over terminal)

  4. Where is Pin 13 (C2540 P0.1) on the Blueduino Layout? We need this pin to get the CC2540 out from sleep, right=

  5. Where are the Pin 11-13 on the Layout?

  6. How can we change/add the CC2540 Characteristics and Services UUIDs?

  7. Where can we find the Source Code of the ZeroBeacon Firmware?

Thanks a lot!

Re your question 1, take a look at this question and answer. Maybe this will help.

  1. Yes. @Waywayway is right
  2. BlueDuino can’t get device name because it filter out the scan response data
  3. Did you change the baud rate in Arduino sketch? What’s the firmware version?
  4. Please check the link BLE module CC2540 Pins
  5. sorry. these pins are reversed
  6. Not support yet. Do you wish to compatible with other module such as HM10?
  7. It’s not open source yet.